B i o g r a p h y
Shane Lestideau is an Australian violinist with a passion for historical music and instruments. Renowned for her talents as a baroque and classical violinist, she is also in demand as an artistic director, teacher and music researcher. Shane uses her live concerts and recordings to breathe life into artistic practices from centuries past, enabling them to resonate meaningfully with today’s audiences. She is passionate about Australian music, writing and commissioning new works from local composers as well as playing from 18thC and 19thC Australian music collections.
Shane studied modern violin at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, baroque violin at the Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt, and is currently undertaking PhD studies in 19thC Scottish-Australian violin performance techniques at the University of Melbourne. Shane’s performing career has taken her across Europe and Australia where she works regularly with the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra (Aust), Melbourne Baroque Orchestra (Aust), Adelaide Baroque (Aust), St Johns Bach Orchestra (Aust), Collegium Orpheus (Fr), and L’Ensemble Sarabande (Fr). She works as a violinist and artistic director for the Victorian-based Evergreen Ensemble, known for their virtuosic programs blending folk and art music. The ensemble recorded two albums of Scottish-Australian repertoire for ABC Classics in 2019 and will release three albums in 2023, one for ABC Classics.
Currently a tutor in Music History, The Research Process for Musicians, and Baroque Ensemble at the University of Melbourne, Shane is regularly invited to participate in music conferences, workshops and masterclasses in conservatoriums and schools worldwide. She has recently completed a PhD on the performance practice of 19thC Scottish-Australian manuscript music collections at the University of Melbourne.

Photo Credit: Louisa Jones
"Shane Lestideau is a superb musician with her finely nuanced phrasing and commanding playing."
(Music Trust, Loud Mouth e-zine 2019, with Evergreen Ensemble)
"The baroque violin playing of Shane Lestideau and Ben Dollman was full of zeal and tonal sensitivity throughout the concert, capturing the spirit of folk music with whimsical charm"
(ClassikON 2019, with Evergreen Ensemble)
Her violin playing was exquisite. The gut strings provided an earthy tone and her skills as an improvisor shone..."
(ClassikON 2018, with Evergreen Ensemble)
“…the mix of baroque, traditional and contemporary music was wisely blended, and the audience thoroughly appreciated the performance…”
(Ouest France Newspaper, 2013, with Baroka)
“La grâce, le talent, et la complicité de Shane Lestideau et d'Ysa ont fait le bonheur du public qui a assisté au concert donné à Saint-Jean.”
(Le Telegramme, 2013, with Duo Lestideau/Ysa)